FAMTrip dot travel


Industry Team Introduces New Educational FAMS for 2016

FAMTrip dot travel

Bradenton, FL September 29, 2016 – Gary and Melody Fee, 25-year Industry Trade Association Executives, have founded FAMTrips.travel. The new parent corporation, “Travel Industry Educational Services” LLC (TIES) will operate FAMTrips.travel from their Bradenton, FL main office.

FAMTrips.travel will organize and host a select group of exclusive Agent Fams around the globe. “Our goal is to work with leading travel industry suppliers who can offer the best in product and training to help agents really develop strong sales relationships with these top suppliers,” states Gary Fee. “Agents work hard to find the right suppliers, and we hope to put them in a positon to find the right partners to help build their business to new heights,” he adds.

As the 1990 founders and former executive leaders of the major trade association, OSSN, Gary and Melody Fee are excited to move their focus to this very special niche of agent education. “We loved all that was involved in building OSSN up to be one of the strongest trade associations in the US, and our supplier relationships were always an important part of that growth and recognition. It will be our special pleasure to take these travel professionals exactly where they want to go!” commented Melody Fee.

One of the unique components of FAMTrips.travel is their “Giving Back” Campaign. The company will focus on sponsoring specific charitable initiatives that are founded by Travel Agents and Industry Leaders. The first of those campaigns includes the support of 501 Charitable organization Acts4Rwanda.org through the sponsorship of education for Rwandan children selected by this excellent grassroots effort founded by travel professional Mrs. Lynda Weir. You can find out more about these charitable efforts on the website www.FAMTrips.travel

Contact Information:

888 909 FAMS (3267)